

What is World Ocean Day?

Carbon emissions from human activity are causing ocean warming, acidification and oxygen loss, the UN reports. World Ocean Day encourages action throughout the year to protect the planet. It’s part of a global movement to safeguard at least

Space station ‘should become a museum 500 miles above Earth’

After three decades of service, the International Space Station is due to be retired in 2031 on a final journey in which it will burn fiercely in the atmosphere before plunging into the sea.However, leaders in the space industry have proposed a way t

Communities may have to move inland because of coastal erosion

Residents living in some towns and villages along the British coastline may have to move because of rising seas, the chief executive of the Environment Agency is expected to say today. Coastal erosion is leading to the loss of homes in the UK, p


【外刊精读】人与自然:狗狗带领警察救助受伤主人导读:12月末,国内媒体报道了一条新闻,一位女子煤气中毒失去意识晕倒在地后,被自家狗舔脸唤醒,随后接受了治疗,挽回一条生命。无独有偶,美国国家公共广播电台近期也报道了一篇狗狗救助主人的故事。下面读读文章,感受一下狗狗的灵性吧。一、语篇泛读This heroic dog traversed the interstate to lead police to her injured ownerRecent snow covers the pine tree


导读:在大多数人的眼里,会说两种语言的人似乎更聪明。这种说法是否科学呢?看看下面的文章一探究竟吧!一、语篇泛读New research suggests that speaking a second language doesn’t affect overall intelligence, upending the conventional wisdom.Perfect fluency in a second language can make someone seem so worldly a

高中英语外刊阅读语法填空 They risked their lives during Covid. They still don't earn minimum wage.

They risked their lives during Covid. They still don't earn minimum wage.新冠疫情期间,冒着生命危险的是他们,拿不到法定最低工资的,还是他们They zipped(穿梭) around New York City on bikes, bringing restaurant meals to customers too fearful 1_____( venture) out.
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