

外刊精读 | 手机如何改变我们的大脑

脉络梳理【Para. 1-2】 指出人们在手机上耗费了大量的时间,频繁查看手机【Para. 3-6】 分析手机对大脑产生的负面影响,并举相关研究为例进行论证【Para. 7】 指出要避免手机分散自己的注意力,唯一的办法是彻底远离手机双语阅读正文字数:436 WordsPara. 1One recent report found that adults in the US check their phones, on average, 344 times a day – once every fo

The Psychological Benefits Of Commuting

For most American workers who commute, the trip to and from the office takes nearly one full hour a day – 26 minutes each way on average, with 7.7% of workers spending two hours or more on the road.Many people think of commuting as a chore and a wast

外刊精读 | 英国教师短缺严重,全面加薪势在必行

背景知识Ofsted  英国教育标准局,是英国国家教育、儿童服务和技能培训机构的官方监管机构。其主要职能是对所有公立学校,以及一小部分私立学校的教育质量进行定期审查。Ofsted的总评定分为4个等级,分别是:Outstanding(杰出);Good(优秀);Satisfactory(合格);Inadequate(不合格)。去年11月,英国一所小学的校长露丝·佩里被告知,她所在的学校从“杰出”降级为“不合格”,她称这是“她一生中最糟糕的一天”。今年1月,她自杀身亡。脉络梳理【P


It has been known for some time that plants can talk to one another. Many communicate chemically, both through the air and via their roots—warning each other, for example, of the arrival of her­bivorous insects in order to co-ordinate their responses

外刊精读| AI引发版权争议,我们该如何应对?

背景知识fair use 合理使用,是重要的著作权限制机制,它是指在特定的条件下,法律允许他人自由使用享有著作权的作品,而不必征得权利人的许可,不向其支付报酬的合法行为。脉络梳理【Para. 1-2】 引出话题:大型科技公司窃取原创作品训练生成式人工智能模型,并举盖蒂图片社起诉Stability AI为例【Para. 3-4】 分析大型科技公司的做法的影响【Para. 5-7】 提出建议:制定新的法律来管理人工智能,保障艺术家的权利和文化的发展双语阅读正文字数:426 WordsPar

How to Respond To Criticism From Your Partner

The great thing about having a partner is that you never have to be alone. There’s always someone to give support, encouragement, and feedback.That last one is also where it can get dicey. The words can be positive, and then at other times, not so mu
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