

高中英语外刊阅读语法填空 Virtually all emperor penguins doomed for extinction by 2100 as climate change looms, s

2 56万只帝企鹅即将灭绝:地球最后一块净土正在消失Virtually all emperor penguins doomed for extinction by 2100 as climate change looms, study finds研究发现,到 2100 年,几乎所有帝企鹅都注定随着气候变化的逼近而走向灭绝Nearly all of the world's emperor penguin colonies may 1_____(push) to the

高中英语外刊阅读语法填空Where dark skies draw stargazers, wildfire smoke spoils the view

Where dark skies draw stargazers, wildfire smoke spoils the view夜空引来了看星星的人,野火的烟雾却破坏了景致The high, lonesome(荒凉的) dunes(沙丘) 1_____ run up against the Rocky Mountains at 7,500 feet above sea level in southern Colorado are a long, long drive


The Shenzhou XII spacecraft departed China's Tiangong space station on Thursday morning, carrying three Chinese astronauts on a journey back to Earth, the China Manned Space Agency said.It said in a brief statement that the spacecraft left t


现年30岁的奥地利数学家安娜·基森霍夫在没有团队、没有教练的情况下,单枪匹马参加本届东京奥运会,并在女子公路自行车赛事中率先冲过终点线,以领先第二名75秒的优势赢得了冠军。基森霍夫是何许人也?这匹黑马是如何震惊赛场的?英文原文The Math Ph.D. Who Just Shocked Olympic Cycling数学博士夺冠,震惊奥运会女子公路自行车赛场By Jason GayThe mathematician pedaled away from the bunch, right at t


文章来源:《经济学人》Sep 11th 2021 期 Business 栏目The pandemic has refashioned corporate dress codes疫情改变了公司的着装要求Bartleby巴托比Suits v sweatpants西装vs运动裤IN AN INTERNAL memo to staff in 2016 JPMorgan Chase relaxed its dress code. The American bank’s 240,000 employees


随着YouTube、Instagram、TikTok等内容创作平台的兴起,一批又一批内容创作者走红网络。这些网红博主们大多年纪轻轻,却坐拥百万、千万粉丝,名利双收。但近期,许多“网红”博主表示自己疲劳过度,灵感枯竭。内容创作的繁重工作与平台的激烈竞争,正迅速榨干创作者们的工作热情。他们究竟面临着怎样的困境?又能否摆脱这一困境?英文原文Young Creators Are Burning Out and Breaking Down年轻的内容创作者们“感觉身体被掏空”,正处于崩溃边缘By Taylo
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