



Day 1 1-4 BCAC

Day 2 1-4 CADB

Day 3 1-4 CDDB


Day 1 1-4 BCAC

1. B。根据文章第一段第二句“This has created a cascading effect as existing teachers are required to take on more classes while remaining underpaid for their increased work, resulting in additional pressure which pushes teachers to leave the job market.”,缺少教师,所以目前在职的教师会承担更重的压力,造成这些教师离职,即不好的事情又带来不好的后果,故本题选B。

2. C。【因版面临时段落调整导致设问有误,本题正确问法应为:What are paragraphs 2 and 3 mainly about?】文章第二、三段讲到新冠疫情扰乱了教师就业市场,使得已经影响教师就业市场的因素更加严重,进而指出这些因素都有哪些,可以推知这两段主要讲美国教师短缺的原因,故本题选C。

3. A。根据文章第四段倒数第二句“Meanwhile, in Florida, former soldiers and police officers can be allowed to teach without formal education as an instructor.”,佛罗里达州的老兵和警察没有接受过教学相关的教育,也可以做老师,故本题选A。

4. C。根据文章最后一句“... it does not seem money alone will be enough to overcome these hurdles.”可知作者认为只有资金投入不能解决问题,即希望采取更多措施解决问题,故本题选C。

Day 2 1-4 CADB

1. C。从文章第2段“We used to think that a woodpecker’s skull worked as a kind of safety helmet which absorbed the shocks.”可知,人们以前认为啄木鸟的头骨会像安全帽一样吸收它们啄木头时带来的冲击力,故答案为C。

2. A。综合文章第4段可知,假如啄木鸟头骨会吸收啄木时的冲击力,那么啄木鸟啄木的力量要更大,以平衡它的头骨吸收的冲击力,compensate for的意思是“弥补,补偿”,故答案为A。

3. D。从文章第6段“The research suggested that woodpeckers don’t have any shock-absorbing device or the ability to reduce the amount of force. ”可知,Van Wassenbergh团队的实验证明了啄木鸟的身体并没有用于保护它们啄木时安全、吸收冲击力的特殊构造,故答案为D。

4. B。从文章第6段“... the team claimed that the woodpeckers’ tiny size and weight protect them.”可知,保护啄木鸟啄木时不会脑震荡的是它们小巧的体型,故答案为B。

Day 3 1-4 CDDB

1. C。综合文章第2段可知,“living our lives on autopilot”会让我们意识不到时间的流逝,从而停滞不前,所以作者认为我们得留出时间进行自我反思,故答案为C。

2. D。从文章第4段“I needed to find a balance between keeping a structured schedule and finding time to be creative and try new things.”可知,作者在大三时意识到了自己太过墨守成规,他需要在规律的学习生活和探索新事物之间找到平衡,故答案为D。

3. D。从文章第5段“I started learning new instruments, visiting new places around town and exploring new ways to get involved in the local community.”可知,作者探索了新的方式融入当地的社会生活,故答案为D。

4. B。综合全文可知,作者通过反思自己打破“例行公事”的大学生活的经历,想要表达我们在一成不变的生活中要积极反思,多多探索新的可能性,故答案为B。



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