

每日外刊精读 Japan's formulafor life satisfaction 日本人的“人生满意度公式”


Japan's formulafor life satisfaction

日本人的“人生满意度公式”Formed by combining "iki", meaning "life", and "gai", meaning "to be worthwhile", the term "ikigai" is a succinct way to describe what gets you up in the morning — be it work, family or a well-loved hobby — much like a prosaic version ofthe French term "raisond'être".

“ikigai”一词由“iki”(意思是“生活”)和“gai”(意思是“值得”)组合而成,人们用它来简洁地描述一个人每天早晨起床的动力——不管是工作、家庭,还是狂热的爱好——这个概念很像法语 raison d'être(表示“存在的理由”)的直白版。

"It's something you live for," explained ex-corporate worker Masataka Shintoku, simply, when asked to define the ancient term.


However, while a burst of international attention has seen the term appear on lists of inspirational, untranslatable words, its homeland is struggling to unite concept and reality. The disconnect between the discovery of adeep motivation that makes life worth living and the reality of 14-hour days in front of computer screens seems stark, but not entirely unfathomable, when seen in context of Japan's drastic 20th-century development.

然而,虽然这个词一时间在国际上引起了关注,它开始出现在一系列“励志但无法翻译的外文词汇”榜单上,但在它的发源地日本,人们却不知如何把想法和现实统一起来。一边是要发现让人生充满价值的深层动力,另一边是每天花 14 小时对着电脑屏幕的现实,两者之间的脱节似乎很明显,但若放在 20 世纪日本经济急剧发展的背景下,这种落差并非完全无法理解。

Soon after World War Two, Japan entered a new age of growth known as the "economic miracle". Offering affluence and increasingly extended life-expectancy, the new found freedom allowed the topic of ikigai, which dates back as far as the 14th century, to return to the forefront of popular debate.

第二次世界大战后不久,日本进入了所谓“经济奇迹”的全新增长时代。富足的生活和日益延长的预期寿命带来了新的社会自由,让最早追溯到 14 世纪的“人生追求”重新成为公众讨论的热点话题。

Japan's economic success andthe re-emergence of a corresponding interest in a personal ikigai soon became irreversibly entwined, shaping the work-life balance for decades to come.


Although the traditional working environments remain strict in terms of hours and available leave, the economic downturn has opened up new opportunities. "Today there's a different Japanese world, and there's more freedom for people to find their own ikigaiin a variety of different ways," explained Gordon Mathews, professor of anthropology at The Chinese University of Hong Kong.


formula/ˈfɔːr.mjə.lə/n. 公式,方程式;惯例,配方

搭配短语:mathematical formula

例句:I hope we can arrive at a formula for peace.

what gets you up in the morning


相关短语:to wake sb. up; to awake sb.

相关短语:what keeps you awake at night

例句:Thinking about him has been keeping me awake at night.

be it...or


prosaic/prəˈzeɪ.ɪk/adj. 平淡无奇的,缺乏想象力的

搭配短语:prosaic language

反义词:poetic(adj. 富有诗意的)

搭配短语:poetic language




搭配短语:the United States of America

disconnect/ˈdɪs.kənekt/n. 不一致,脱节

词性拓展:v. 断开连接

例句:Network disconnected.

例句:There's an obvious disconnect between management and assembly-line workers.

stark/stɑːrk/adj. 明显的;荒凉的

搭配短语:in stark contrast

例句:Obama and Trump stand in stark contrast to each other.

unfathomable/ʌnˈfæð.ə.mə.bəl/adj. 无法理解的;难以理解的

相关词汇:fathom(v. 测量……的深度;揣摩,理解)

in (the) context of在...背景下

例句:Words are best understood in context. / Words are best understood in the context of the article.

affluence/ˈæf.lu.əns/n. 富裕

词性拓展:affluent(adj. 富裕的)


搭配短语:affluent families/individuals

newfound/ˈnuː.faʊnd/adj. 新获得的

英文释义:recently discovered or established

搭配短语:newfound fame/freedom

forefront/ˈfɔːr.frʌnt/n. 最前线,最重要的位置

英文释义:the leading or most important position or place

例句:Her success propelled her to the forefrontof pop music overnight.

irreversibly/ˌɪr.əˈvɝː.sə.bli/adv. 不可逆转地

相关词汇:reverse(v. 反转,逆转)

搭配短语:to reverse the decline in the industry

派生词:reversible(adj. 可逆转的)

派生词:reversibly(adv. 可逆转地)

entwined/ɪnˈtwaɪnd/adj. 密切相关的

相关词汇:twin(n. 双胞胎)

相关词汇:twine(v. 缠绕,交织)

例句:They walked together with their arms entwined.

例句:Her destiny was entwined with his.

leave/liːv/n. 假期,休假

词性拓展:leave(v. 离开)

搭配短语:paid leave

搭配短语:annual leave

例句:I would like to apply for 3 days' leave.





1950 年 6 月,朝鲜战争爆发,美国将日本作为补给基地。由于战争产生的特殊需要,日本的市场需求随之大增。1954 年 12 月开始,日本进入“神武景气”时期,即神武天皇即位后的经济繁荣。这一次,日本不再依赖美国的军购特需,而是通过刺激消费,拉动内需,促进了经济高速增长。1958 年开始,日本又进入“岩户景气”时期,经济更上一层楼。欧美各国强烈要求日本放开市场,实行贸易自由化。

上世纪 80 年代,日本的汽车和半导体行业发展几乎超越美国,东京证券交易所指数突破 1 万日元,眼看就要成为最炙手可热的全球经济霸主。但到了 80 年代末,日本股市泡沫破裂,房市也跟着轰然倒塌。从 1991 年下半年开始,日本地价一路下跌。从那时起,日本经济已经持续低迷了 20 多年。



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