

每日外刊精读 美企新冠疫苗的人体试验,为何遭到质疑?


Moderna Coronavirus Vaccine Trial Shows Promising Early Results


By Denise Grady

The first coronavirus vaccine to be tested in people appears to be safe and able to stimulate an immune response against the infection, the manufacturer, Moderna, announced on Monday, offering a glint of hope to a world desperate for ways to stop the pandemic.


The preliminary findings, in the first eight people who each received two doses of the experimental vaccine, must now be repeated in far larger tests in hundreds and then thousands of people, to find out if the vaccine can work in the real world.  


Vaccines are now seen as the best and perhaps only hope of stopping or even slowing a disease that has sickened nearly five million people worldwide, killed 315,000 and locked down entire countries, paralyzing their economies.


Dozens of companies and universities are rushing to create coronavirus vaccines, and human trials have already started for several manufacturers.


Experts agree that it is essential to develop multiple vaccines, because the urgent global need for billions of doses will far outstrip the production capacity of any one manufacturer. But there is widespread concern among scientists that haste could compromise safety, resulting in a vaccine that does not work or even harms patients.



1. 疫苗进入临床试验的三个阶段:

(1) 一期临床主要是研究药物的安全性,一般参与人数是几十人左右。



2. first-mover advantage 先发优势,先动优势

3. More haste, less speed.



 1.Moderna  摩德纳(公司名) Moderna是美国一家基因工程公司,创立于2010年。专注于信使RNA的研究以及基于信使RNA的药物研发。主要目标市场是传染病,免疫肿瘤学,罕见疾病和心血管疾病等领域。

 2.trial UK /traɪəl/ US /traɪəl/  n. 试验,试用 phase I clinical trial 一期临床试验

 3.promising UK /ˈprɒmɪsɪŋ/ US /ˈprɑːmɪsɪŋ/  adj. 有希望的,有前途的(showing signs of being good or successful)

 4.immune response  免疫反应

 5.glint UK /ɡlɪnt/ US /ɡlɪnt/  n. 闪光,闪烁(a quick flash of light) a glint of hope 希望之光

a glint of sunlight through the clouds 透过云层照下来的阳光

 6.desperate UK /ˈdespərət/ US /ˈdespərət/  adj. 非常需要的,非常想要的(needing or wanting sth. very much);绝望的,拼命的 be desperate to do sth. 非要想要做某事

be desperate for sth. 非常想要某物

desperate for ways to stop the pandemic 极度渴望战胜疫情之法

 7.dose UK /dəʊs/ US /doʊs/  n. 剂量

 8.experimental UK /ɪkˌsperɪˈmentəl/ US /ɪkˌsperəˈmentəl/  adj. 试验的,试验的 experimental vaccine 试验疫苗

experiment n. 试验

 9.far UK /fɑː/ US /fɑːr/  adv. 非常,远远

 10.vaccines are seen as…  疫苗被视为……,人们将疫苗视为……

 11.sicken UK /ˈsɪkən/ US /ˈsɪkən/  vi. 生病,得病 adj + 后缀-en = 动词

sick adj. 生病的

sick + 后缀-en = sicken

sicken sb. 使某人生病(= to make sb. sick)


deep adj. 深的

deepen vt. 使变深

loose adj. 松的

loosen vt. 使变松

sad adj. 悲伤的

sadden vt. 使悲伤

 12.locked down  封锁

 13.paralyze UK /ˈpærəlaɪz/ US /ˈperəlaɪz/  vt. 使不能正常运作,使陷入瘫痪(to cause an organization to stop working or acting normally)

 14.dozens of  许多(= a lot of) dozen n. 一打,十二个

 15.rush to do sth.  急着去做某事

 16.essential UK /ɪˈsenʃəl/ US /ɪˈsenʃəl/  adj. 必要的,必不可少的(absolutely necessary, extremely important)

 17.multiple UK /ˈmʌltɪpəl/ US /ˈmʌltəpəl/  adj. 大量的,多个的

 18.urgent UK /ˈɜːdʒənt/ US /ˈɜːrdʒənt/  adj. 紧急的,急迫的

 19.outstrip UK /ˌaʊtˈstrɪp/ US /ˌaʊtˈstrɪp/  vt. (在数量、程度或成就上)超过,胜过

 20.production capacity  生产能力

 21.widespread concern  广泛的担忧,普遍的关注

 22.compromise UK /ˈkɒmprəmaɪz/ US /ˈkɑːmprəmaɪz/  vt. 降低(accept standards that are lower than is desirable) compromise safety 降低安全标准



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