

外刊精读 “毕业即失业”:当玩笑成真,你还笑得出来吗?


现在新冠疫情在国内已经基本得到控制,人们的生活也正在逐渐回到正轨。不过,此次疫情还是给社会的方方面面带来不少影响。比如对于这一届高校毕业生来说,随着 6 月临近,毕业后的着落成了难题。年年都有人说“就业难”,殊不知今年才是真的难上加难。这届高校毕业生究竟面临怎样的困境,又有什么解决方法呢?让我们跟着毛西老师一起来看今天的文章。


大学生为什么 brace themselves for graduation?

如何理解 reel from 这个搭配?



Millions ofChinese studentsbrace themselvesfor graduationafter covid-19


"Graduation equalsunemployment" has long beena common saying in China(the nouns share a character). It is often used in jest byuniversity students as finalexams loom. But for the 9m orso due to graduate in June — arecord high — the wordsconvey a dark reality.

在中国,“毕业即失业”早已成了一句俗语(两个名词用了同一个汉字),大学生们常常在大学毕业考试逼近时用它来开玩笑。而今年六月,预计约 900 万名大学生将要毕业,创下了毕业人数新高。对于他们来说,“毕业即失业”透露了悲观的现实。

Companies normally beginscouring campuses for recruitssoon after the spring-festivalholiday. This time, however, with universities shut and biggatherings banned, the entireprocess was "wiped out", saysa business veteran.


Some employers have gonedigital. But many, reeling fromthe impact of work stoppagesand still-tepid consumerdemand, have cut hiring. In asurvey on university graduatesby "China Youth Daily", anofficial newspaper, more than60% of respondents said covid-19 had steered them towards"more stable" work.


Officials are trying to satisfysuch demand. They havedirected state-ownedbusinesses to boost theirrecruitment of new graduates. Sinopec, an oil giant, is hiringanother 3,500 on top of the6,600-odd it has already takenon. Other state-owned firmsare also taking on recordnumbers. They are givingpreference to graduates fromHubei province, where theoutbreak began.

对此,政府正在想办法满足学生们的需求。他们已令国有企业对应届毕业生进行扩招,比如石油大企中国石化就在已招 6600 多名毕业生的基础上,又扩招了 3500 名。其他国有企业招收的应届毕业生数量也纷纷创下新高,并且优先考虑最早暴发疫情的省份——湖北省的毕业生。

Many governments are alsorewarding firms that hiregraduates. In Shanghai, thedistrict of Pudong is offeringthem subsidies and reducedsocial-security paymentsworth up to 2,000 yuan ($282) for each local graduate theytake on.

多地政府也对招收应届毕业生的企业进行嘉奖。在上海浦东新区,企业每招一位本地毕业生,区政府就提供相应津贴,并减免社保费用,额度高达人民币 2000 元(相当于 282 美元)。

Students did not have tosearch for jobs until the 1990s. Instead they had to takepositions assigned to them bythe government. As a result ofcovid-19, officials are gettingmore involved in finding workfor students than they havebeen since those days.

在中国,一直到上世纪 90 年代为止,学生都不用自行找工作;相反,他们的岗位全由政府分配。而因为新冠疫情,政府开始更积极地参与解决学生们的就业问题,这是自 90 年代以来从未出现过的情况。


brace oneself for (为困难或坏事)做准备

相关词汇:brace(n. 支架)

词性拓展:brace(v. 使绷紧,支撑)

英文释义:to prepare oneself physically or mentally for something unpleasant

in jest 开玩笑地

相关词汇:jest(n. 笑话)

例句:My proposal was no jest — I was completely sincere.

例句:I only said it in jest — you're not fat at all.

相关词汇:jest(v. 开玩笑)

例句:This is not something you should jest about.

loom /luːm/v.(不愉快的事情)阴森地逼近;赫然耸现

英文释义:to appear as a shadowy form, especially one that is large or threatening

例句:Dark storm clouds loomed on the horizon.

due/duː/adj. 预期的

例句:What time is the next bus due?

例句:My essay's due next Friday.

搭配短语:be due to do sth.

相关词汇:due to

record high历史新高

相关词汇:record(adj. 创纪录的,空前的)

例句:Inflation has reached record levels.

相关词汇:high(n. 高点)

英文释义:a high point or level

搭配短语:the highs and lows of his career

scour/ˈskaʊ.ɚ/v. 认真搜索,细查

搭配短语:to scour A for B

例句:I scoured the shops for a light yellow dress, but I couldn't find one anywhere.

recruit/rɪˈkruːt/n. 新成员,新来的人;(尤指)新兵

词性拓展:recruit(v. 征兵;招募,招聘)

搭配短语:to recruit staff / customers

例句:Companies normally begin scouring campuses to recruit new graduates.

wipe out毁灭,抹除

英文释义:to destroy something / somebody completely


例句:The bombers wiped out many soldiers.

veteran/ˈve.t̬ɚ.ən/n. 经验丰富的人,老手;老兵

反义词:recruit(n. 新人;新兵)


搭配短语:to reel backwards

搭配短语:to reel at sth.

搭配短语:to reel with sth.

例句:I was reeling with shock.

搭配短语:to reel from sth.

例句:I was still reeling from the shock.

stoppage/ˈstɑː.pɪdʒ/n. 停止;停工

相关词汇:stop(v. 停止)

tepid/ˈtep.ɪd/adj. 不热情的,不热烈的;温热的

搭配短语:a tepid response

搭配短语:tepid milk

steer/stɪr/v. 指导,引导;驾驶,掌握方向盘

搭配短语:to steer the car carefully

搭配短语:to steer sb. / sth. towards sth.

搭配短语:to steer them towards their destination

boost/buːst/v. 提高,增强,推动

英文释义:to make something increase, or become more successful

搭配短语:to boost exports / the economy

搭配短语:to boost somebody's morale / career

on top of除……之外,在……基础上

同义搭配:in addition to

例句:On top of everything else he's a brilliant linguist.

odd/ɑːd/adj. 大约的,……多一点的;奇怪的

take on雇佣,招聘;开始拥有……特质

近义词:recruit, employ

搭配短语:to take on new staff

英文释义:to begin to have a particular quality

例句:His voice took on a more serious tone.

subsidy/ˈsʌb.sə.di/n. 津贴,补贴

搭配短语:the subsidy to sth.

搭配短语:subsidies to agriculture

相关词汇:subsidise / subsidize(v. 给予……津贴)

例句:Agriculture is heavily subsidised / subsidized by the government.



近日,美国财政部长姆努钦承认,美国的失业率可能已经高达 25%,并表示,“出现这种情况,不是因为经济状况不佳,而是因为我们的经济活动停止了。”

在这样的情况下,美国约 400 万名大学毕业生面临着严峻的就业危机。许多公司冻结了招聘流程,甚至取消了已发出的录取通知。比如谷歌的一些部门就暂停了今年的招聘计划。《纽约时报》发表文章评论说,针对大学生的就业困境,美国政府机关可以考虑对这些应届毕业生进行扩招,或者提供临时工作机会,等到今年年底或明年年初经济恢复后,他们可以再寻找新的工作。



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