


我们写作文,就是要将自己的思想呈现在文章中。但是要写好作文,让自己的语言更生动,文章更有感染力,离不开平时阅读过程中好词、佳句的积累。英语新课程标准非常重视好词佳句的积累,特别强调通过阅读来积累。以下佳句选择高中部分英语教材,供大家学习背诵。心理描写1.Whenever I’m facing a difficulty, I always tell myself, “Don’t let anything stop you. Don’t ever quit.”每当我遇见困难时,我总是告诉自

flower是花,tea是茶,flower tea千万别翻译是“花茶”!

flower是“花”,tea是“茶”;所以很多人都会把flower tea翻译成“花茶”。但其实这是错的,赶紧改过来!flower tea 芽茶“花茶”翻译成flower tea很常见,但这样直译真的太中式了!flower tea字面意思是“花茶”,实际指的是 “芽茶” 。什么是芽茶呢?茶农将茶枝顶端的嫩芽或嫩叶分为“成长期”与“成熟期”,即根据茶青的不同,茶叶可分为芽茶和叶茶两大类。也有另一种说法:根据茶树品种、原料(鲜叶)采摘标准不同,将其分为芽茶和叶茶。其实,简单一点来

中国传统文化:语法填空10 月牙泉

   Just as water and fire are incompatible, neither can a desert and a spring coexist. But, this is not the case for the Crescent Lake 1.________ is surrounded by the Mingsha Sand Dune. The golden sand hill and the blue lake cast a beautifu

中国传统文化:语法填空9 后羿射日

   Angrily, Hou Yi grabbed one magic arrow out of his quiver and aimed carefully. The arrow flew straight into the heart of the most boastful sun. Quickly, that sun 1._________(drop) down from the sky, burning up in a ball of fire. When he

中国传统文化:语法填空8 印章的起源

   With roots dating back thousands of years, Chinese seals are more than just 1.________ unique motif, they are 2.__________(symbol) of identity, status, and culture.     A Chinese seal is a seal or stamp used to m

中国传统文化:语法填空7 郑和下西洋

  The Chinese admiral Zheng He must 1._________(make) quite the impression when the 300 ships under his command arrived at a new destination. The biggest vessels, known as “treasure ships,” were by some estimates 2._________(long) than a so
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