

读后续写微技能之动作描写 和眼睛相关的写作素材

读后续写微技能 动作描写---眉眼传情


环顾look around

眺望look across

俯视look down to

怒视 glare at

凝视 stare at

回头看 look back

抬头看look up

盯着看look into one's eyes

睁大眼看wide one's eyes

闭眼 close/shut one's eyes

看向别处look away (from...to...)  

假装不看 pretend not to see

垂下眼帘one's eyes drop / lower one's eyes


环视 dart around

看见 catch sight of

看不见 lose sight of

发现某人干 spot sb. doing

发现某人做弊 catch sb. cheating

目光落在 one's eyes fall on...

抬眼看 lift / raise one's eyes

端详 peer closly at/ eye sb. narrowly

直视 look sb straight in the eye/ stare sb. in the face

揉眼睛 rub one's eyes

交换眼神 exchange a glance

偷窥 spy on/ peep through / take a peep at

眼睛适应…… eyes adjust to (the darkness )

遮住眼睛 shade /cover one's eyes against the sun

眯眼看 squint into.../ squint one's eyes /narrow one's eyes

密切注视 keep a close eye on/ keep one's eyes out /open for(含警戒之意)

避免与人直视 avoid eye contact with ...

(不愿)与...目光接触 (unwilling) to meet one's eyes/ make eye contact with sb.

扫视 glance at / sweep around /scan through/ catch a glance (glimpse) of

辩认出 recognize/ pick out/ make out/ distinguish ... from the crowd

对......翻白眼 roll one's eyes (upward) at...

给某人一个白眼, 厌恶地瞪某人一眼 give sb. a dirty look

对...闭眼不看(表拒绝) shut one's eyes against/ squeeze one's eyes shut

快速眨巴眼睛 wink / blink /twinkle (in expectation) /at ... rapidly

张大嘴呆看 gape at/ be wide–eyed and stunned/ one's eyes grow wide (in amazement)

上下打量 look sb. up and down / eye sb up and down/ check sb.out(因感兴趣上下打量)

皱眉 wrinkle one's brows/ frown at.../ greet sb. with frowns/ screw up one's face


one's eyes sparkle / shine / twinkle / glitter/ glister/ glisten (with excitement /pleasure /delight / determination)


gaze at / glue one's eyes to / one's eyes rest(lock)on / one's eyes never leave sb.

越过...看向 look over....

Ø look over one's shoulder扭头看向后面

Ø look over the edge从边缘向下看,俯视


Ø cast a hasty glance at sb匆匆瞥一眼

Ø cast an admiring glance at sb. 向......投以钦佩的目光

Ø throw a curious glance at 好奇地看了一眼

Ø shot sb. a meaningful/ encouraging look at 意味深长地/充满鼓励地看了一眼

落泪 sb. shed tears

擦拭眼睛 wipe one's eyes

泪眼朦胧 tears blur one's eyes /vision    

眼里噙满泪 with eyes brimmed / filled with tears


1. She stared at him in disbelief, shaking her head.


2. When he finished, he raised /lifted his eyes and looked out of the window.


3. I glanced back over my shoulder to make sure that no one was following me.


4. She turned her eyes to mewhen I tapped him on the shoulder.


5. Lily's eyes lifted slowly, met Marian's, paused for a moment and then dropped.


6. When James spotted the bus crashing into the car, his eyes grew wide with horror.


7. Luay's eyes fell on the paintiry on the wall when she entered the house.


8. She rolled her eyes upwards to show disproval.


9. He lowered his eyes in shame when caught lying.


10. Excited at the good news, her beautiful blue eyes were glittering/ sparkling.


11. He gazed at me with those intense / piercing dark eyes.

他用那双深邃的/ 穿透人心的黑眼睛凝视着我。

12. We winked at mom, finding her eyes twinkling with delight.


13. She chocked with her eyes brimned /filled with tears.


14. The moment mum shot me a meaningful look, I hung my head in shame, trying to avoid eye contact with her.

当妈妈意味深长的看向时, 我羞愧得低下头, 不敢看她。

15. She scanned through the crowd, cleared her throat and announced the long–awaited result of the competition.


16. With her eyes glued to the phone, it was not until the teacher patted on her shoulder that she realized the teacher stood in front her.


17. Tina squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lip bitterly, with tears streaming down her cheeks.


18. I squinted against the blinding sunshine as I stepped out of the dark forest.


19. Now and then she peeped to see if he was noticing her.


20. The old Granny peered closely at the old photogrouph, as if recalling her past rosy days when she was the most energetic cheerleader of the school football team.




1. Driven by curiosity, all the kids present poked their heads around and kept a close eye on the magician's hat. When they caught sight of a lively rabbit abruptly emerging from the empty hat, they were wide–eyed and stunned at his incredible performance.

2. Anne's father narrowed his eyes, wondering what had happened. Then, he turned his eyes to the door when he heard the handle turning.Eyeing Anne come in, her father eyed her up and down, confused. Though her blue eyes were full of tears, she kept an eye on her father's expression. Anne looked at her father straight in the eye and told him the truth. When learning the truth, he squeezed his eyes shut and bit his lip, with tears running/rolling/streaming down his cheeks.

3. A gray cat stares quietly at a nearby orange cat. She squints her eyes, flattens her ears, and licks her lips. The orange cat stares back, wrinkles his nose, and pulls back his whiskers. Cat people know what's about to go down: a fight. Claws may soon pop out and fur fly.

4. I rolled my eyes in exasperation and gazed at the pale, brown-haired girl with blue eyes too big for her face staring back at me, and gave up.

5. The crowd ignores the many beautiful paintings on the walls and pushes to the room's far end. There, they gaze at a single small painting of a smiling woman. So many people have crowded in to have a look at the painting that most can only get a quick look at it. Then they are forced to move on.(人教选必二Workbook)

6. I stared at the road, knowing that there was still a long way to go. As I turned around at the corner of the road, I was relieved to catch sight of the hedge because it meant that l was almost home. On that particular moment, I spotted somthing gray behind the hedge moving towards the house. Upon closer observation, I realized it was my father's hat.


His eyes rested on his lap for long, and it seemed as if he was rooted to the spot. Occationally he would cast a hasty glance at Mr. Smith, only to find the teacher glued his piercing eyes to him. Feeling guilty, he quickly looked away to avoid eye contact with Mr. Smith. After what seemed to be years, he finally raised his eyes with determination, plucked up all his courage to meet Mr. Smith's eyes and admitted having peeked at others' papers. Spotting Mr Smith eyeing him up and down, he had butterflies in his stomache, worrying what pulishment would have in store for him. Panicked and uneasy, he kept blinking, whose eyes glistered with held–back tears. " On no account should you forget integrity and honesty,” said Mr. Smith squinting his eyes, "Much to my regret, I have to inform you that you have failed the exam." He drooped his head like a deflated ball, his eyes brimmed with irresistible tears of regret. He was in such despair that he couldn't help shedding tears and turned around to wipe his eyes quietly.



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