


Life is a river, no matter whether it is downstreaming or upstreaming, no one wants to stop; life is a journey, whether it is good or bad, no one wants to quit; life is a landscape,even with wind and rain,no one wants to miss it.人生是一条河,顺流也好,逆流也好,没有人愿

endangered species vs.threatened species

在科技进步的现代有越来越多濒临绝种的动植物需要我们的保护。今天分享两个相关的用语:endangered species vs.threatened species ,首先我们常听到的是endangered species 濒临绝种的物种,也就是这些动植物在不久的将来,将会面临绝种的危机。再就是threatened species受威胁的物种,threatened species就是那些有迹象显示在若干年以后将会变成濒临绝种的物种。不管是endangered species 濒临绝种还是threa


Knowing how to enrich, appreciate and please yourself is a code for a  happy life.When no one applauds for you, give yourself an encouragement; when no one wipes your tears, give yourself some comfort; when you are unable to move forward, give y


The reason why success is so difficult to achieve is that it is testing how much a person can commit to persistence.  After reading a book for a few days, once you put it down, you may not be able to finish it in half a year; if you have bought


People cannot control things, but they can control their moods; people cannot control fate, but they can control their personal pursuits; people cannot control time, but they can control their own actions.Try to live a life you like and spend every d

a drop in the bucket 杯水车薪

“杯水车薪”,汉语成语,意思是用一杯水去救一车着了火的柴草(trying to put out a blazing cartload of faggots with a cup of water),比喻力量太小,解决不了问题。与英文习语“a drop in the bucket”意思相近。例句:这些捐款只是杯水车薪。These contributions are just a drop in the bucket.许多公司捐赠食品和药品来帮助地震幸存者,但与所需物资相比这只是杯水车薪。Many
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